Who will win a FREE VPS Summit Trumpet next Thursday? It sounds too good to be true, but this WILL HAPPEN if we all pull together and work as a team. Who is our team? Brass players, musicians, friends and family from around the world. We have 8 days to mobilize our efforts and share the rewards. Some of you will give up, while others will carry on strong until the end. But only one of you will win a brand new Harrelson VPS Summit trumpet. Wait a minute, make that TWO of you will win trumpets when we reach our goals outlined below. What are you waiting for? Let's make this happen! Hint: No purchase necessary. You will have much better odds of winning if you read this entire page. ![]() Why is Harrelson giving away a FREE Trumpet? Some of you may not realize this, but Harrelson Trumpets is made up of 5 highly skilled members devoted to building the world's finest high brass instruments. We are a small team facing extremely difficult challenges on a daily basis. I have personally built over 1000 trumpets and to this day, I perform most of the machining and final assembly myself. This is no ordinary machining and assembly. Harrelson Trumpets are designed to offer versatile modular options that are not available from any other manufacturer. And the machining is on a level beyond traditional metal forming, bending and soldering. We build the best of the best and this comes with a price, my personal time. Training an apprentice to perform these delicate processes has not been successful despite 15 years of efforts. And this is why Harrelson Trumpets take so very long to build. Why am I giving away a free trumpet worth six thousand dollars? The answer is simple. I would rather give it to one of my clients, supporters and fans than pay it to a PR Advertising agency. What? A PR Ad agency? Yep! I'll explain, but to see the big picture, I will have to give you some history. Trumpet Momentum You see, I began developing a program known as Trumpet Momentum over 15 years ago. Trumpet Momentum is a physics-based approach to brass playing and my original business model would have developed this educational resource right along with my trumpet research and development. But I didn't have the time or financial resources to pursue both Harrelson Trumpets and Trumpet Momentum so I set one project aside. I decided to make 2016 the year I set Trumpet Momentum back into motion. I have developed the program over the years, but key components have not yet become reality. These include:
All three of these tools are essential in applying the Trumpet Momentum approach to each participant's practice and performance. In short, Trumpet Momentum is the only comprehensive physics-based approach to brass playing ever created. The success rate of this program has been extremely high. If you want to become a better brass player, I encourage you to review the past five blog entries to learn more about the Trumpet Momentum program. Momentum Top Production So here's the really cool part. The first component, the Momentum Top is in production right now. It is now available for pre-order on Kickstarter and depending on its success, the MiniBell could launch in September and the ASAT may follow this winter. Again, why am I giving away a six thousand dollar trumpet? Or possibly two trumpets? The answer may surprise you. We already met our funding goal for the Momentum Top on Kickstarter, which was the amount needed to fund the first production run including retail packaging, brass stock, supplies and labor. But the Momentum message is universal and the value of this system is immense once you know more. Momentum literally has the potential to teach every single person how to shatter their own personal glass ceiling and move on to the next level of anything; trumpet playing, happiness, success, etc. So the first reason I am mobilizing an army of Harrelson supporters is to spread the word so more people can benefit from Momentum. And the second reason is to speed up production at Harrelson Trumpets. If we can work smarter rather than harder, HT will ship Trumpets, 5MM Mouthpieces, Mod Kits and accessories faster. And this will give me more time to finish the Trumpet Momentum program. Laser Welding & Hybrid 3D printed Trumpets How can we speed up production? By purchasing better tools. But not just better tools, cutting edge tools that set us apart from everyone. We are known for reinventing the trumpet production process and this is our opportunity to take innovation one step further. Our goals of implementing laser welding and 3D printing in Kevlar and Carbon Fiber will soon become reality. We will become the first manufacturer to laser weld CNC machined tubes and bells this summer. If you didn't know, we were the first (and only) shop to CNC machine tubes in the first place. And with your help, we will create the world's first Hybrid CNC machined + 3D printed Carbon Fiber trumpet. We have our sights set on introducing a new line of Harrelson Trumpets priced in the $2500 range that could be released as early as February on another Kickstarter campaign. But this will only happen if we can reach our financial goals with Momentum by June 22nd. Yeah, that was a lot of information! But you needed to hear it. Knowing how and why Harrelson Trumpets is growing and changing is essential to our success as a team. You can consider this our "annual report" of sorts. And we see you, our fans and customers, as the driving force for innovation, collaboration and the reason we produce the highest quality brass instruments and mouthpieces. Together, we are the Harrelson Family that has re-shaped trumpet playing forever. How can you help and what about that FREE trumpet? I am eternally grateful for all that so many of you have done to support my vision and efforts in the past. So here's where I ask for your help. I know for a fact that I have over 30,000 combined followers on Instagram and Facebook with thousands more not on social media. And we all know the power of word-of-mouth advertising as it has grown Harrelson Trumpets from an idea into the world's most innovative brass instrument powerhouse. ![]() Share and make a pledge in support Now I am asking each and every one of you to join me in sharing my Momentum project on Kickstarter. The way Kickstarter works is simple. Smart people like yourself hear about an amazing new product or invention and visit the page to view more information. Then they make a pledge in support of the project in any amount from $1 to $10,000. Most people make pledges of $20-50 average. When the funding period ends, the pledges are collected from all participants and the project owner begins producing the new product. A month or two later, the project owner (me) begins shipping rewards. I am personally asking each of you to make a one dollar pledge. If you are interested in taking your brass playing to the next level and see the value in the Momentum system, then make a higher pledge and I will reward you accordingly as stated on Kickstarter. But if each and every person pledged only $1, my campaign would be featured at the top of the Kickstarter page and it would go viral. This means we would raise our goal much faster. This is our chance for trumpet players around the world to unite and make a difference. If you help me, I will build the next generation of amazing trumpets that are in YOUR price range. I'll pay you a commission Remember when I mentioned paying a PR Advertising Agency at the beginning of this blog entry? Well get this... the Ad agency wanted to charge me 35% commission plus $2500 to have their firm advertise my Kickstarter campaign. Any of you versed in business know that this is simply too much for a start-up project. Kickstarter already gets 5% plus another 5% for credit card fees. Adding the two would have been a 45% cut into my production budget, which would make the project impossible to produce financially. And I personally don't believe that paying for clicks on the internet is the right way to spread my message and product. Momentum is far more valuable and a pay-per-click money-making scheme offer is insulting. I have a better idea. I will pay each of you a 10% commission on every pledge that results from your individual efforts. Simply sign up, share your unique link to my Kickstarter project and get paid 10% of all pledges made by people who followed your link. If you make a pledge, use your personal link and get a 10% commission on your own pledge. And if you post your link on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. and your friends pledge $50, you get $5 cash back in your PayPal account. If they pledge $500, you get $50 and so forth. I would much rather pay my friends, fans and clients to advertise than some PR ad guy living the high life! You deserve to be rewarded both financially and by reaping the collective rewards of my Trumpet Momentum program, which is currently being offered in an abbreviated video format for free right here on my blog. Yes, the potential does exist to make money here and I'm certainly not against this idea. I know some of you are thinking, "I could potentially make a thousand dollars if I share this link in the right places". Go for it! I'm happy to share because I would rather you make money from your efforts than pay it to an agency. This could be your chance to raise money for a new horn, lessons, a mouthpiece or pay some bills. I wish you the best and I'm happy to share insight on how to do this effectively. Tell me about the FREE trumpet already! Okay, you've read this far and you deserve to know how to win this brand new silver VPS Summit trumpet. Well, that part is pretty simple. Just follow the instructions below for the first drawing, which will award the first trumpet. And if we reach our Stretch Goal of $125,000 there will be a second drawing for another brand new VPS Summit trumpet. 1) Sign up here
2) Share your personal unique link on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (or any other social media) 3) Tag HT in your social media post(s) including one sentence telling the world why you support Harrelson Trumpets and/or Momentum (tag "Jason Harrelson" or "Harrelson Trumpets" or "Harrelson Momentum") A pledge is not required to participate and there is no purchase necessary to win. 4) The FREE Trumpet drawing will become valid only when the Momentum Kickstarter project is funded with at least $75,000 on June 22nd, 2016. (the more we share, the more likely we will give away a new trumpet) 5) A second FREE VPS Summit Trumpet will be given away if we reach our Stretch Goal of $125,000. (The second drawing will require one more simple step, which will narrow the numbers and increase your chances of winning. I will announce more information next week.) Our success will be determined by our team efforts. If each of of you pledge only $1 to the Momentum Kickstarter campaign, then thousands of pledges will bring us to the front page of Kickstarter and the rest will become history! The sooner each of my clients and fans does this, the sooner we will qualify for the free trumpet drawing(s). EXTRA REWARDS I will be posting daily (and sometimes hourly) bonus rewards on my Facebook (Jason Harrelson) and Instagram (Harrelsontrumpets) accounts so watch and participate to win free key chains, 5MM Modular Mouthpieces, Momentum tops and full Momentum Inventor's Sets! These include the following valued at over $5800...
Father's Day It's no coincidence that my Momentum Kickstarter project is ending right after Father's Day. I timed this to celebrate Fathers everywhere and to say thank you to my Dad, John Harrelson, who taught me that learning is a pursuit, a privilege and a responsibility. Thank you Dad for giving me more education than any college or university could ever provide. Happy Father's Day everyone! YouTube Live drawing for Free Trumpet(s) Remember, the free trumpet drawing will only happen if the Momentum Kickstarter campaign closes at $75,000 or more on June 22nd. The FREE Trumpet drawing will be broadcast live on YouTube on June 23rd at 7pm mountain time zone. I will print every single name and place them into a container and mix them up. The first name I draw wins this Harrelson VPS Summit Trumpet including a ProTec Contour case in black and shipping worldwide. You are responsible for any taxes or duties incurred by your country or local government. Mouthpiece is not included, but you can win one in our daily bonus events mentioned above. The potential for a second trumpet drawings exists if Momentum closes at more than $125,000. Where does the money go? As mentioned above, the funds raised by this Kickstarter campaign will fund new equipment purchases, the cost of producing and delivering Momentum and the costs associated with the campaign itself (Kickstarter and credit card processing fees). Here's a breakdown of estimated expenditures if we reach the $125,000 Stretch Goal. $35,000 - cost of Momentum launch & production including retail packaging, brass stock, cutting tools, bearings, ruby, sapphire and Si3N4 balls, springs, concave mirrors, Kickstarter fees and advertising $25,000 - labor and logistics $10,000 - shipping rewards $35,000 - new laser welder, training and supplies $20,000 - new 3D printer capable of printing Kevlar & Carbon Fiber thread, training and supplies
6/14/2016 10:45:39 am
I would like to win that new trumpet so I can purchase another trumpet from you
6/15/2016 11:33:43 am
Wuauuu, I love Jazz, I 'm Learning Real book, .... I need this sound in my job, in my new Label Wildness Temple, in my music, Delta Wester Chester
Victor Singh
6/14/2016 11:49:41 am
Hope I win!
Benjamin ingermann
6/15/2016 08:55:21 am
starting my senior year and my last year in the school marching band. itd be great to finish my last year with a brand new trumpet. and then start off with it in college
Jesus Castaneda
6/14/2016 11:55:19 am
Bahadur Yusubov
6/14/2016 12:28:26 pm
Well, lets try. See how it shows!
Don Buckley Tennessee Vintage
6/14/2016 12:49:16 pm
Hope I WIN!
Kunal Mankad
6/14/2016 01:26:27 pm
Always wanted a Summit, never had $$ to get one. Hopefully this will be my shot.
Zak McCain
6/14/2016 01:40:00 pm
I am extremely sorry, but I am unable to do any of the required actions due to the situation i am currently in, I wish that I could have had the chance to win or buy on of your summits but at the moment we're financially unable for me to say "mom, dad, I want my own trumpet", If I had the chance I would donate whatever I had. I'm truley sorry
6/14/2016 07:53:35 pm
Hi Zak, You do not need to make a purchase to enter to win the trumpet. Just sign up and share the link with your friends. Thanks and good luck!
Kenneth Bartkiewicz
6/14/2016 03:12:51 pm
Lane Clevenger
6/14/2016 05:17:56 pm
Hi, I bought one of your used bells a few months ago when my was stepped on. Doing business with you and your company was easy and very professional and I'm glad to support what you guys are doing and would be great to use one of the horns you craft. I'm going into my freshman year of college as a music Ed major and would love to show ever other musician there what you guys have to offer.
6/14/2016 06:29:03 pm
I love it ...
6/14/2016 06:49:32 pm
Proudly in support of Jason Harrelson's
Stefan Rettig
6/14/2016 08:44:01 pm
Hey Jason,
Mike Raleigh
6/14/2016 11:31:17 pm
Very innovative and promising :-)
Marco Roach
6/18/2016 06:55:06 am
I would love this.
Neleo Rakic
6/15/2016 12:09:03 am
<3 (o)=iii=-
Mark Pelleymounter
6/15/2016 06:15:10 am
Jason is one of the best things that has ever happened to our industry and artistry. In addition to overcoming a medically insurmountable situation that would have squelched most people he has never lost his vision or goal. I consider Jason a friend. He is my inspiration every step of the way through my own difficulties. Go Jason!
6/16/2016 08:54:01 am
Thanks Mark!
Elizabeth Harrelson
6/24/2016 06:17:14 am
♥♥♥♥♥This mother is very proud, Mark. Thank you for the kind words and support of him.♥♥♥♥♥
John Devries
6/15/2016 07:23:32 am
6/15/2016 07:39:42 am
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! Always been an admirer of harreleson trumpets seeing their new designs and approaches in trumpet technology!
Chad Peterson
6/15/2016 07:46:09 am
I Play trumpet from new Orleans, la I hope I win I love you guys trumpets!
6/16/2016 08:53:23 am
We will be showing our trumpets in New Orleans in August for Satchmo Summerfest. See you there?
6/15/2016 07:49:53 am
I been admiring your brand for months. I would love to get an upgrade from the trumpet I have now. If I would when it would make my senior year in high school amazing.
6/15/2016 08:00:45 am
Hope to win, need a new! 😉👍
Keaton Whitaker
6/15/2016 08:01:31 am
Definitely trying this!
Hey Jason, I've been following you for a while, my teacher Brian Graber plays one of your horns and I absolutely love it. I've been saying I need a new trumpet before I go off to Berklee for its Five Week summer Performance Program, because right now I am playing on the WORST horn imaginable. I'd love to have a summit to take up to Berklee. Thanks, hope I win!
Angel Resto
6/15/2016 08:16:34 am
Hoping to win.
6/15/2016 08:30:53 am
I hope
6/15/2016 08:32:47 am
I want it 😔
Sean'Michael Roberts
6/15/2016 08:38:06 am
Cool trumpet
6/15/2016 08:55:58 am
Outstanding looking horn and I'm sure it sounds it too! Fingers crossed!
Johann Peñaloza Newball
6/15/2016 08:59:50 am
I a wonderfull oportunity for all brass players thank you Mr. Harrelson. Hope to be the elected one. God Bless you
Jose madera
6/15/2016 09:18:31 am
Gracias por dejame participar
6/15/2016 09:46:39 am
Exellent and very nice Trumpet. I hope to win, I want it. 😊👍👍🎺
Gary Ross
6/15/2016 10:12:02 am
I love your horns and would love to win one.
6/15/2016 10:58:41 am
помогите мне с трубой .
Drille Aurelien
6/15/2016 11:32:11 am
I'm a young french trumpet player , an It Will be great if à Windows this Amazing jazz trumpet for the next of My career !!
Brandon Holloway
6/15/2016 11:48:37 am
I'm a music education and trumpet major Ball State University under Dr. Brittany Hendricks. I'm actually in great need of a quality trumpet so this would be very helpful!!!
6/15/2016 12:06:25 pm
Want to win your trumpet to developp harrelson in switzerland 😄😄
Mohamed Ahmed Helmy
6/15/2016 12:06:49 pm
I know I will not win that beautiful trumpet Becouse i am Egyption but i can dream of wining that fantastic trumpet
6/17/2016 08:45:05 am
You may enter the drawing!
Hector Lopez
6/15/2016 12:42:10 pm
Hello Jason
6/16/2016 08:56:36 am
You are very welcome Hector! Thanks for working through the Trumpet Momentum approach to brass playing. I will announce the new Trumpet Momentum book this coming Autumn. And thanks again for sharing!
David Stacey
6/15/2016 04:10:00 pm
I love the video. Very inspiring.
6/15/2016 05:03:31 pm
Jason, I had no idea about your stroke! What a story of inspiration! Best wishes with the Kickstarter. I've entered and would - like everyone else - LOVE to win one of your gorgeous horns!
William Ward
6/15/2016 05:13:28 pm
Seeing the work of a master craftsman is so inspiring. Thank you!
6/15/2016 05:24:02 pm
apoyando esta gran e innovadora marca y probando suerte en ese sorteo aunque no se si estoy participando bien
6/15/2016 05:55:05 pm
Gracias !
Dan Bishop
6/15/2016 06:15:22 pm
This contest being tied to your Kickstarter project may be against Kickstarter's Terms of Service and could potentially get you banned and your project cancelled. I would double check to be sure. It would be a shame for all of your hard work to be in vain.
6/16/2016 09:01:12 am
Hi Dan, do you see something in my contest that is a problem? I have looked very closely at the Kickstarter rules and don't see any reason I cannot hold a drawing to promote the Kickstarter link. There is no purchase or pledge necessary to participate. It is completely free. Just register (so I can draw your name), share the link and tag HT. That's it. If you do see something, could you please contact me directly and let me know. I certainly don't want to break any rules!
Manuel Moncada
6/15/2016 06:36:42 pm
Me encantan sus trompetas... sería el trompeta player más feliz del mundo con una de sus trompetas.....
Jorge Zuleta
6/15/2016 07:03:33 pm
Hi Jason, I'm fan of your work, I have a trim kit on a Yamaha, I sold the horn and take off the kit. A few days ago a friend of mine told me he wants the kit and he is going to give me his Bach trim kit awesome! To do this contest is very kind of you. Thank you for your art. Jorge.
Joe Herrera
6/15/2016 08:00:29 pm
Terewaeli Ayo
6/15/2016 08:05:33 pm
It cool
Brinton Marshall
6/15/2016 08:37:21 pm
I have a 907 and love it. The easiest playing trumpet I have ever owned.
Pelle Andersson
6/15/2016 11:50:29 pm
Need a new horn, my old Bach ned to rest...😊
James Kelly
6/16/2016 12:08:35 am
It would be so great to get a Harrelson trumpet.
6/16/2016 01:51:08 am
I totally support what you do Jason! I've read through all your material and find it interesting and helpful and I'm always keeping up with your latest social media posts. Like most other folks I'd love to win that trumpet too! I've backed your kickstarter both by contributing monetarily and creating a kickbooster campaign of my own to back you. I shared the campaign via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter both from my personal account and my bands account. How do I know that I'm entered in the drawing to potentially win a trumpet if we reach your monetary goals by Thursday?
6/16/2016 09:03:46 am
Hello Earle,
Junwei Huang
6/16/2016 04:00:18 am
I love it !!!!
6/16/2016 08:06:16 am
Apoyando al Sr Harrelson , increíbles trompetas !!!!
6/16/2016 08:41:21 am
I have only my phone, need to get to the real computer! Will join you this Saturday!
6/18/2016 12:42:59 am
Joined, and pledged.
Khalil Deanda
6/16/2016 08:44:34 am
This would be a blessing i dont own my own horn at this moment, but this will be my first if i have faith in it.
Elijah Elkins
6/16/2016 09:08:03 am
I think this is a great idea for raising awareness for your company! Hi I'm Elijah and I'm going to a freshman in Lancaster, Pa. I've been playing trumpet for 6 years and practice hours each day. About a year ago, I found Harrelson and fell in love with your artwork. I am currently saving the money to buy one, however they are a bit pricey for a freshman...
6/17/2016 08:48:29 am
Hello Elijah,
6/19/2016 03:35:04 pm
Wow thanks Jason:) not only is it cool for you to have faith in me, but answer:) thanks Jason! Keep doing great things:) 6/16/2016 09:38:52 am
The harrelson trumpet is very amazing. I love their trumpets because Its sound that spectacular and is a professional work. I am from Chile. Its trumpets are the best trumpet to be professional trumpeter
6/16/2016 09:40:14 am
Apoyando la fabricación de trompetas del Sr Harrelson , únicos en su ingeniería y diseño !!!
Avery Yonehiro
6/16/2016 12:52:09 pm
I absolutely would love to own one of your horns. I don't have much money as I am a full time college student and music ed major. It would truly be a dream come true, if I could win this (:
6/16/2016 03:28:29 pm
I would love to win a trumpet I've been playing since second grade and I would be honored to be able to even touch let alone win one of your trumpets.
6/17/2016 09:25:51 am
I'm ready
Ron Redding
6/17/2016 12:24:24 pm
Mr. Jânsiley
6/17/2016 01:55:16 pm
Harrelson's Trumpets are amazing. It's a dream to have one with a great sound.
Hunter Eason
6/17/2016 11:40:08 pm
Can't wait for the big reveal! I've been following your project and company for years, I wish you the best in what you do.
Akiva breuer
6/18/2016 04:02:04 am
Stumbled upon this via instegram. Very interesting! I hope you reach your goal! I was wondering if you ever battled infections in the fingers from over playing the trumpet and do you think momentum is the key to help that?
Marco roach
6/18/2016 06:56:17 am
This would be amazing
6/18/2016 10:18:51 am
Hey! I reallyyyyy love your trumpets, I hope I win this Free trumpet! I would be the happiest trumpetgirl in the whole world :)
Simon Bodycoat
6/19/2016 12:46:46 am
We would all love to one of Jason's sensational horns, me included, but we all need to remember that if we don't do our bit in supporting the Momentum Top project through sharing and projecting it to friends and colleagues, that the $75K Kickstarter goal will not be met and there will be no bonus trumpet for anyone.
Douglas Butler Sr
6/19/2016 08:43:20 am
I'm fascinated by the designs of your trumpets and the research used to perfect the sounds that trumpet players desire, funneling our creative energy. I hope I'm blessed to win #1.
Neil Armstrong
6/20/2016 11:57:36 am
Jason knows no bounds! - innovation after innovation! - so excited to enjoy & share in the success & future of Harrelson & being a part of this special family!
Manuel Moncada
6/23/2016 10:57:55 am
I'm player trumpet un Colombia, I like very much yours trumpet, I wait a winner!!!!
Janus Rasiewicz
10/14/2016 11:18:56 am
Oh happy day!
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Jason Harrelson
Inventor, Musician, Educator and Founder of Harrelson Trumpets, Trumpet Momentum and Harrelson Momentum. Archives
August 2024