Harrelson Trumpets is a technology company
We are focused on finding solutions to both common and unique challenges by way of research and innovation. We collect data and get direct feedback from our clients to identify and address specific concerns within the subjective performance experience.
leading the industry
Harrelson is the world leader in brass instrument design and manufacturing. We utilize two exclusive technologies in our design approach. SWE Technology and VPS Technology both set Harrelson apart in playability, efficiency and versatility. In addition, our manufacturing process incorporates the latest CAD/CAM/FEA software and precision CNC machining technologies. We are the only brass manufacturer to fully machine the finger rings, bracing, leadpipe, tuning slide, bell crook and bell. In fact, only drawn tubing and some of our bells are not machined components on our Summit and Muse series instruments.
variable performance system (VPS)
VPS Series Instruments include all Harrelson builds after 2015 with the VGR system. VPS is short for Variable Performance System, which encompasses a series of inventions that allow any player to find the right balance of flexibility, slotting and air flow. Harrelson is the only manufacturer in the world incorporating VPS Technology into brass instrument design. This approach is revolutionary and our clients reap the rewards of our extensive research into brass acoustics.
Harrelson VPS Instruments include the entire Summit and Muse series as well as all Bravura series built after 2015. We offer configurations in the keys of A, Bb, C and Eb designed for Jazz, Orchestra, Big Band, Solo, Symphonic Band, Commercial, Lead, Latin and Brass Quintet.
VPS incorporates modular components that give the player control over impedance, air flow, internal shape and volume. The Venturi Gap Receiver (VGR) and Modular Mouthpiece (5MM) play an integral role in achieving the best results for each individual. Thousands of hours have been invested in the R&D for each of these components, which together encompass nearly every impedance possibility available on a high brass instrument.
Harrelson VPS Instruments include the entire Summit and Muse series as well as all Bravura series built after 2015. We offer configurations in the keys of A, Bb, C and Eb designed for Jazz, Orchestra, Big Band, Solo, Symphonic Band, Commercial, Lead, Latin and Brass Quintet.
VPS incorporates modular components that give the player control over impedance, air flow, internal shape and volume. The Venturi Gap Receiver (VGR) and Modular Mouthpiece (5MM) play an integral role in achieving the best results for each individual. Thousands of hours have been invested in the R&D for each of these components, which together encompass nearly every impedance possibility available on a high brass instrument.
How does vps work?
The ultimate goal of the Variable Performance System is Maximum Bell Resonance (MBR). This is achieved when there is an Impedance Match between all variables, including the player's oral cavity, mouthpiece configuration, leadpipe attributes (venturi, gap, taper, length), and bell.
The application of the Variable Performance System is relatively simple. We begin with the Modular Mouthpiece configured to your exact preferences. Fitting the 5MM/SpectraTone mouthpiece is usually a 30 to 45 minute process, which is accomplished via an in-person visit to our shop or over the phone. It is essential that your 5MM configuration is an optimum fit to achieve results before moving on.
The next step involves the Venturi Gap Receiver (VGR), beginning with a set of VGR inserts in your preferred size range. Playing seamless lip slurs throughout the range of the instrument will reveal a degree of Flexibility versus Slotting. Flexibility, the ability to move easily from one partial to the next, is essentially the opposite of Slotting. If a note slots hard, it may be difficult to move to the next partial above or below. Every musician has a general preference on the Flexibility vs Slotting spectrum. Yet, very few musicians have ever experienced the opportunity to adjust this variable quickly and easily. Finding the perfect range of VGR settings will result in an Impedance Match to achieve Maximum Bell Resonance.
Once a baseline is determined with a specific VGR Insert, then the length of the Insert is changed to either shorter or longer. Comparing the results of the new Insert to the old gives us valuable information. If it is determine that the new Insert achieves impedance closer to the desired result, then we move in that direction. Or the opposite may be true and we move in the opposite direction. After finding the desired impedance on a specific Venturi (inside diameter), we move on to play test other diameters until the best results are achieved. It is possible (and common) to settle on two different VGR Inserts and two different 5MM configurations when performing two different genres of music. For instance, playing commercial music requires a different setup in both the VGR and 5MM than performing in a brass quintet.
The application of the Variable Performance System is relatively simple. We begin with the Modular Mouthpiece configured to your exact preferences. Fitting the 5MM/SpectraTone mouthpiece is usually a 30 to 45 minute process, which is accomplished via an in-person visit to our shop or over the phone. It is essential that your 5MM configuration is an optimum fit to achieve results before moving on.
The next step involves the Venturi Gap Receiver (VGR), beginning with a set of VGR inserts in your preferred size range. Playing seamless lip slurs throughout the range of the instrument will reveal a degree of Flexibility versus Slotting. Flexibility, the ability to move easily from one partial to the next, is essentially the opposite of Slotting. If a note slots hard, it may be difficult to move to the next partial above or below. Every musician has a general preference on the Flexibility vs Slotting spectrum. Yet, very few musicians have ever experienced the opportunity to adjust this variable quickly and easily. Finding the perfect range of VGR settings will result in an Impedance Match to achieve Maximum Bell Resonance.
Once a baseline is determined with a specific VGR Insert, then the length of the Insert is changed to either shorter or longer. Comparing the results of the new Insert to the old gives us valuable information. If it is determine that the new Insert achieves impedance closer to the desired result, then we move in that direction. Or the opposite may be true and we move in the opposite direction. After finding the desired impedance on a specific Venturi (inside diameter), we move on to play test other diameters until the best results are achieved. It is possible (and common) to settle on two different VGR Inserts and two different 5MM configurations when performing two different genres of music. For instance, playing commercial music requires a different setup in both the VGR and 5MM than performing in a brass quintet.
standing wave efficiency (SWE)
Imagine playing longer and higher with less fatigue. Produce perfectly clean attacks at any dynamic level. By integrating the principles of physics into every design, Harrelson trumpets are considerably more efficient than any other brand. Higher efficiency means you produce more sound with less effort. From near trombone-dark to sizzling bright, the sound in your mind's ear is now an acoustic reality.
Harrelson SWE Modular Mouthpieces (5MM/SpectraTone) also improve SWE by preserving energy at the source of the vibrating surface (the lips) and transmitting more energy to the leadpipe and trumpet. You will notice an immediate improvement in attacks at all dynamic levels with a simple modification to your mouthpiece. You can also purchase a new Harrelson Modular Mouthpiece in over 4 billion configurations.
Harrelson SWE Modular Mouthpieces (5MM/SpectraTone) also improve SWE by preserving energy at the source of the vibrating surface (the lips) and transmitting more energy to the leadpipe and trumpet. You will notice an immediate improvement in attacks at all dynamic levels with a simple modification to your mouthpiece. You can also purchase a new Harrelson Modular Mouthpiece in over 4 billion configurations.
how does swe work?
Standing Wave Efficiency (SWE) Technology is a physics-based design method that preserves energy in the sound wave as it travels through a tube or instrument. In a traditional trumpet, energy in the standing wave is transferred into vibration of the resonating wall at the anti-nodes as it travels through the trumpet. The further the wave travels, the more your sound wave energy is transferred into vibration. To make things more complicated, the higher the note on the trumpet the greater number of nodes and anti-nodes. These nodal points vibrate the tubing wall and braces, robbing even more energy from the wave. A common side-effect of nodal points involves Excessive Vibration Interference (EVI) between fixed points (trumpet braces) separated by vibration-prone material (thin and/or stiff tubing).
EVI is present on all traditional trumpets especially along the leadpipe and bell, which results in interference with the original sound wave. The EVI effect becomes more noticeable in the upper register of any brass instrument. This is due to the greater number of anti-nodes and nearly proportional number of spans measuring EVI. Difficulty in the upper registers of the trumpet is mostly due to excessive vibration and the EVI effect. Reduce the EVI with SWE technology and the upper register will respond and sound much like the low and mid-registers.
High efficiency Harrelson Trumpets retain sound quality and character throughout all four octaves by preserving energy in the sound wave. It is possible to double and triple tongue three octaves on the VPS Summit and Muse series when MBR has been achieved.
EVI is present on all traditional trumpets especially along the leadpipe and bell, which results in interference with the original sound wave. The EVI effect becomes more noticeable in the upper register of any brass instrument. This is due to the greater number of anti-nodes and nearly proportional number of spans measuring EVI. Difficulty in the upper registers of the trumpet is mostly due to excessive vibration and the EVI effect. Reduce the EVI with SWE technology and the upper register will respond and sound much like the low and mid-registers.
High efficiency Harrelson Trumpets retain sound quality and character throughout all four octaves by preserving energy in the sound wave. It is possible to double and triple tongue three octaves on the VPS Summit and Muse series when MBR has been achieved.
What is B.R.A.S.S.?
I began designing Bell Resonance Anti-nodal Stabilization System (B.R.A.S.S.) components in 1993, not long after I started researching brass instrument design. This was in response to an amazing discovery that is well understood in the field of physics, and based on Isaac Newton's Laws of Motion. The sound wave produced inside a brass instrument exerts energy on the confining walls, which results in degradation of tone quality, stability, and efficiency. I describe this phenomenon as Standing Wave Efficiency (SWE), which is explained in detail in my blog and here. Incorporating B.R.A.S.S. components into the design of our trumpets guarantees an even playing scale throughout every register with more resonance and less effort. In my 30+ years of research on the subject of motion, I have developed a set of Spinning Tops produced entirely in our shop that demonstrate Newton's laws. These are used by physics students and educators around the world.
more sound - less effort
Harrelson instruments are the most efficient high brass ever created. In the 90's, we coined the phrase, "More Sound, Less Effort" to describe the gains experienced with SWE Technology and Maximum Bell Resonance. Efficiency means more power, range, endurance, playability, dynamics and sound. We have invested 30+ years of research, development and engineering into Harrelson solutions that are unmatched in our industry.