Hello Trumpet Challenge Participants! I hope you all had a long and fun filled summer. I wanted to let you know the Trumpet Challenge will be starting up again on Monday, October 15th. We have adjusted the rules slightly... and I think you will agree this will actually be easier and more fun. So, going forward... the Trumpet Challenge will be announce every Monday morning. You can watch here or on our youtube channel for the announcement video. You will have until the following Monday at noon GMT to submit your video. The winners will be announced here on Tuesday mornings. In order to submit a video... you must upload it to youtube and also email us a link to: [email protected] This round of videos... EVERY SINGLE PERSON that uploads a video and follows the rules will get an entry into the Trumpet Giveaway. The prize for the winner each week will be determined by the number of participants... for example... if 1-10 people submit a video... we will give away a set of bottom caps (to fit any make and model trumpet) to the winner. If 11-20 people participate... the winner will get a full Harrelson Trumpets Mod Kit... and if 21+ videos are submitted that week... we will give away a full 9 piece Harrelson 5MM Modular Trumpet Mouthpiece Kit. So, it is in your best interest to get all of your trumpet playing friends to participate! We will be giving away a Harrelson HT6 at the end of this season on Tuesday, January 15th! We will be leaking more information about that instrument as the weeks go by... so watch the videos each week for sneak previews. As always... if you have any questions about the rules for the Trumpet Challenge or anything at all just give us a call 303-657-2747 or send us an email to: [email protected] *** please note, the trumpet pictured above was given away in the last round of the Trumpet Challenge... this trumpet giveaway will be different but similar ***
1 Comment
Filip V
10/14/2018 07:07:42 pm
This new system seems great! Looking forward to this season :)
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