I wanted to write a quick update to the folks that have been participating in the Trumpet Challenge. Jason has been extremely busy doing research and development on the new MUSE Model Harrelson Trumpet. This has pushed the build of the carbon fiber trumpet for the drawing back. We are going to put a firm date of June 15th for the drawing. This will give us time to finish the carbon fiber trumpet (which will include elements from the MUSE design) and get the next round of challenge videos recorded and edited. Thank you for your patience... those of you who have been patient. We are a very small operation and we do our best to keep up with all of our builds. We really love doing the Trumpet Challenge... but finishing our designs and build for paying customers must be our utmost priority. Thank you for understanding. I have all of the names for the drawing already printed out and sealed up for the drawing. Many of you are in several times... we appreciated all of your efforts and look forward to the next round of challenges starting in June.