Jason and I have a list about 10 miles long of things we want to do with Harrelson Trumpets. It seems to me that we say... "ya we've had that idea" in meetings with Joe & Christine almost daily. We have spent so many years getting organized it can sometimes feel like that is all we ever do. We have developed so many processes! It really is unbelievable. We both felt like this week was a real win for us because we have FINALLY been able to do a few things we've had ideas to do for YEARS! This week... it was finger buttons. Yes, we've had finger buttons for a very long time. But this week we finally had the time to get organized on the VMC and in the epoxy drawers. I have spent nearly the entire week making finger buttons on the VMC and filling epoxy samples for photographs. It feels so good to finally have these projects under our belt. The finger buttons coming off the machine really are pretty amazing. I really have been having fun with this project not just because it feels like these are things we've wanted to do for years, but also because I AM DESIGNING THEM AND BUILDING THEM on the VMC. On my own! Which is a really big deal. It's a game changer for the company overall because up until now Jason has been the only one that could do these things. This frees up more of his time and energy and puts finger button customization into FULL SPEED AHEAD mode. Disclaimer... Jason designed the two amazing finger button sets below. ![]() Name this tune! I scrambled it up accidentally when scanning it in... so that should make it more challenging. These fun stars below are my first ever finger button design! I think the red ones are my favorite. Keep your eyes open for future creative finger button projects! Call or email us for more details and pricing. All of these designs (and a few more secret ones) will be on our website early next week!
It's been a while. I was back in MN for an entire week as of late... and since then just catching up! Some things we've been working on here in Denver. Well, Joe & Christine spent the better part of a few days assembling VGR Insert Boxes. I have been laser cutting the wooden pieces and 3D Printing the inserts for about a month off and on. Joe spent days working the lathe and replenishing our supply of Inserts. We're now set up for the better part of a year I am guessing. The final product is quite impressive and organized! We're very happy with how these turned out. Jason has been really excited to work on engraving projects. After completing a recent hand carved receiver on a client order... he's seen the value in perfecting his techniques. Expect more amazing hand-work in the coming year(s). ![]() Some of the most beautiful hand work on a Harrelson Trumpet that I have ever seen... except mine I guess... I am biased probably. Also a friendly reminder... this weekend we're opening up the Shop & Showroom for FREE Shop Tours. We also have a series of classes... some paid... some free. We are doing a special promotion this weekend... if you come to the shop this Saturday and order a Harrelson 5MM Mouthpiece. You will get a FREE Custom ART BODY! That's a value of $80-$150. Call or email for more details: [email protected] or 303-657-2747 The full schedule is below. Stay tuned for our November Clinics! Nov. 10th & 11th. Saturday, October 14th 10-11am: Shop Tour 11-1pm: Intro to Trumpet Momentum $30 w/ 5MM Art Body Promotion* (call for details 303-657-2747) 1pm: Lunch for Trumpet Momentum Participants 2-3pm: Modular Mouthpiece Seminar 3:30-4:30pm: Shop Tour Above you see Joe measuring finger buttons coming off the lathe. Assorted Bell Crook & Tuning Slide production in various stages. Jason hand working a horn. Jason on a client consultation. And all those bags full of couplers are for a new all bench air system Jason installed the day before yesterday. And... last but not least... me, below processing trim on the hand lathe.
Jennifer Sandquist has been at Harrelson Trumpets since it's inception. Jen spends much of her time on marketing, photography and client spotlights. She has recently started CAD design and CNC machining for custom art on horns and trim. When she's not at Harrelson Trumpets... Jen loves to travel, see live music and follow creative pursuits of all kinds.
June 2024